On the importance of proper record keeping during
NOTE THIS: Ensure proper record keeping even as you do research.
NOTE THIS: Ensure proper record keeping even as you do research.
Records management is like a staircase. You do not notice it until it is not there.
Keeping records systematically during research helps one achieve various
objectives. It preserves data for future use. You may stumble upon
something that may not be of immediate use, but would help you later.
You have to keep the details in your files. Proper records of time
schedules and activities are essential for the preparation of progress
reports for satisfying your supervisor as well as higher authorities
that hold the reins of funding.
Such records may aid you when you are considered for a job by discerning
employers in the future. It is a fine idea to maintain your own logbook
that reflects what, when, how, and why you have done each item of your
work. Major breakthroughs and special achievements have to be
highlighted. Important discussions with experts and participation in
meetings and your presentations have to be recorded so that they do not
fade out with the passage of time.