An outline of the intricacies of formulating a research
proposal, the quality of which may be crucial for the acceptance of a
research project.
GET THE FOCUS RIGHT: Your proposal can make or mar
your research prospects.
A man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds.
- Mark Twain
Let us focus on the steps you have to pass through in undertaking
research and in preparing a thesis. As in any activity, first you form
an idea and then act. In other words, you have a stage of thinking, and
systematic recording of your thoughts and ideas.
Once you decide to go for research, you contemplate subsequent action.
Choosing the best
You may think about a number of different ideas and finally choose one
that suits you the best. Do not be hazy in thinking. Write out the
possibilities for enabling critical study and final identification of
the area of your research.
Sometimes your supervisor may suggest a few topics from which you may
choose one that you feel would suit you. Detailed study of the
background and the possibilities should be made before you decide the
topic. Both print and electronic resources should be searched for
gathering details.